This story is based on an actual event that occurred in 1992. The story was published in 2010 in Haunted Auburn and Opelika.
Perhaps one of south Alabama’s
greatest frontier stories is that of Eli Stroud. Eli Stroud was born in 1789 in Jackson County Georgia. He married Elizabeth Durbin at 17 and moved to
Conecuh county Alabama with his new bride. Living among the Indians in that
area was hard but the Stroud family did so cautiously. There was relative peace
among the white settlers and the Creek tribes, until about 1813, when hostilities
arose and an outbreak of destruction and murder took place. Eli was
committed to order and when the state of Alabama called for volunteers to
control the Indian outbreak, he was more than eager to oblige.
Mr. Stroud’s trusty side kick
was a long barrel rifle. It had been in his family for more than seventy years.
It’s rumored that this rifle brought down more than a thousand deer and
that Mr. Stroud was an excellent marksman, killing as many as eleven turkeys in
one shot. With his trusty rifle he was made Captain over a small division of
volunteers, who he commanded through the Indian wars. His avid sense of
adventure and background as a frontiersman made Eli the perfect
individual to lead Alabama’s militia, but what Eli didn’t know is that his
adventurous soul would soon be put to the ultimate test.
In 1818, in the midst
of an Indian uprising, Mr. Stroud was called to duty alongside his volunteer
unit to control the impending hostilities. The Indians had become angry with
the white settlers over the distribution of silver for lands once owned by
Creek Indians. Also, the abundance of “fire water” made and sold by settlers to
Indians didn’t help already flaring tempers. The Indians knew that little, to no
authority was available to protect the settlers, and with no regard for the “Pale
Faces”, Indians began to raid small settlements and the settlers feared their unpredictability.
Eli was in route to his home
after visiting family in Georgia on March 13, 1818 when he happened to meet his
longtime friend Mr. William Ogle on a passing road. William offered his home to
Eli and his family for the evening. Eli knew that the road home was dangerous
and still more than 20 miles away, so he took William’s offer to stay. They
spent the evening with their families in true pioneer fashion, gathered around
the camp fire telling stories of the dangers of frontier life and the passing
of friends and family who had lived the hard way as settlers in the South. Their trials
and tribulations of living as settlers left them little hope of making a better
life for both their families, but they were optimistic.
While Eli and William sat in
conversation, their laughter caught the attention of a handful of disgruntle
Indians. As the angry natives sat quietly, watching Eli and William from the surrounding forest, upon
standing, Eli began to feel as if they were not alone. His change in attitude
sparked a cautious stance from William as well. A moment of silence was violently
interrupted when the Indians sprang out of the forest, screaming the blood
curdling war cries, that Eli and William knew meant disaster. The Indians were armed
with tomahawks and small caliber rifles. A sudden panic stricken chaos let out
of the house as the women ran in to try and save the children. William grabbed
his rifle and began to fire on the angry assailants but was shot down on his
porch and killed almost instantly but one of the crazed natives.
Mrs. Ogle, Elizabeth, and Eli
closed themselves inside the Ogle home and barricaded themselves inside with
the children in the vain hope that they would survive this savage attack. Their
attempt was short lived when the Indians made their way into the house just
moments later. The raid lasted only seconds but in that time Elizabeth Stroud
and her infant child were slain. Elizabeth scalped and left for dead alongside
Mrs. Ogle and her 6 children, all murdered at the hands of blood thirsty
Indians. Eli knew that in the chaos there was only seconds to spare his life
and in doing so, he ran out the front door and into the woods.
Eli was distraught, mad with
fear, blinded by pain and panic. He hid himself in a hollowed log for hours.
Praying for the light of day and that god would spare his life, grief stricken
at the loss of his wife and child. He lay in that log until he could no longer
hear the screams of his murdered friends and family. When all the awful whoops
and cries of Indians were gone, he crept from his hiding place, exhausted and
terrified. His home was more than 20 miles away and traveling the road was
dangerous especially on foot and in not more than his night clothes. Eli made
his decision to stay on the road in the hopes that maybe someone would find
As he walked down the dusty
road he heard the familiar sound of beating horse hooves. He made his way a bit
further up the road and caught a glimpse of a wagon. He ran spirited in an
effort to gain the attention of the people driving but he wasn’t met with
the hospitality he had hoped for. His condition was not pleasant and the people
on board the wagon drove him off like a mangy dog. He begged and pleaded with
them for help and again they denied him, fearing he may be a mad man. Eli was
once again alone as he watched the wagon disappear in a dusty cloud.
Eli was without even the most
basic necessities. No food. No water. Not even a warm coat to keep the cool
night air from chilling him. He made his way through the wilderness for 3 days before
he finally arrived at his home. He was relieved and was taken in by his
community and given a hero’s welcome. Eli’s warm homecoming was short. When the
initial shock of survival in the wild for three days wore off, the grim
reminder of his slain wife and child was left burned in his mind, their screams
still echoed in his head, and Eli was never the same man he was before that
awful night, living the next several years in solitude.
Several years later, Eli
married Elizabeth East who blessed him with four children. They lived in
Conecuh County, Alabama until Elizabeth died of illness in 1827. He married
again in 1830 to Miss Eliza Perry and Eli brought his new wife and family to an
area near present day Salem, Alabama. Mr. Stroud lived well into age and died
at the age of 83 on February 21, 1871. He was buried in the family cemetery
located on the corner of Stroud’s crossroads just outside the community of
Smiths Station, Alabama. A marker in the
cemetery once marked his grave that read:
“This spot contains the ashes of the
Who sought no honors and betrayed no
This truth he proved in all paths he
An honest man’s the noblest work of God.”
Today the cemetery is not a
spectacular site, but interesting to see. Large amounts of granite exist in the
terrain naturally, making awkward formations. It leaves you to wonder how in
the world they could bury anyone here. The hard, stony ground would make it
difficult for even the best spade to penetrate the rock. A single Magnolia tree
grows in the center of the cemetery, among the graves. The ground stays
covered in large leaves making it a haven for snakes, spiders, and all
types of unusual life forms.
The Eli Stroud Cemetery located in Salem, Alabama. |
Ole’ Eli has been dead
for more than 140 years, many reports of ghostly sightings near the
Stroud Family cemetery suggest that Mr. Stroud is not at rest. Several accounts
from travelers and locals who live near the area have reported seeing a very
tall, slender built man, roaming the cemetery with a spectral hound. While the
ghost of Eli Stroud seems to be the resident spirit in the old cemetery, there
are other reports of a ghostly child, dressed is 1800’s style clothing. She’s
been seen dashing in front of passing cars near the cemetery at night.
There are even eye witness accounts of the ghost girl stopping passing motorist
and asking, “Were is Pa Pa? “
Many locals seem to think
that Eli is still out hunting Indians or tracking wild game in the woods. It’s
rumored that people who live closest to the cemetery don’t like to go outside
at night for fear of being attacked by Eli’s spectral hound or perhaps shot at
by the ghostly hunter. Animal bones are found regularly in the cemetery, folks
say the bones are from the carcasses of the deer and hogs the Eli still hunts
and that his hound drags them in the cemetery at night. Wild tales about the
Eli Stroud Cemetery have been spun about this old place for years, but one
story hasn’t been told yet, a story that has only every been shared between
friends until now.
On a cool and calm night in
November 1992, two friends were driving home from a high school football game
in Smiths Station. It was a long way home and the friends decided to
take the short cut threw Smiths to Salem by the old Stroud Family Cemetery. The
music blared loudly as the girls drove down the dark and curving country road,
laughing and joking. The two didn’t pay much attention to the open road ahead
of them, and suddenly just inside the curve, a large deer jumped in front of the
car and the driver slammed on her brakes to avoid hitting the animal.
The driver managed to stop
the car just within inches of the deer. Scared and a little upset the two
teenage girls took a sigh of relief and then agreed to step out of the car for
a second just to make sure there was no damage. The driver exited the car first
and the passenger followed. The girls walked around to the front of the car to
survey the damage and were happy to see there was none. The passenger made the
remark to the driver that she had heard that the road they were on was supposed
to haunted by a man who used to be a great deer hunter. The driver responded by
saying “Well he’s obviously not that great or he would have got that one.” The
two girls snickered at the remark and got into the car to sort out there
rattled nerves and proceed home. When the passenger started for the handle of
the car door she noticed and icy chill, not typical of the cool November air in
Alabama, which is typically a modest 50-60 degrees. She tried to shake off the
chill but felt the air temperature around her changing dramatically. It had
gotten so cold so fast her teeth began to chatter.
The driver looked up from her
door and said, “Erica, are you ok?”
Erica responded, “Look, you can see my breath. Danielle! It’s so cold
you can see it!” Danielle replied, “It’s
that ghost hunter! He’s coming to get you!” Erica smiled and snapped back, “Oh
shut up and get in the car!” The two got back into the car and started to drive
off when the car started to spit and sputter. “Are we out of gas?” Erica said “No,
the gauge says its full.” said Danielle. The two girls managed to start the car
and it chugged its way up the hill where it completely cut off once again. This
time the girls had to get out and push the disabled vehicle up the rest of the
hill onto a shoulder and off the road.
The two girls didn’t realize
that they had pushed the car onto the shoulder just right outside the Eli
Stroud cemetery. Confused and frustrated the two debated for the next several
minutes on what to do. There was nobody they knew around the area for at least
a few miles and neither of them would dare walk into the house of someone they
didn’t know and ask for help. Cell phones were not an everyday item during this
time either. So walking, as dangerous as it was on an open country road, seemed
like the most logical action at the time.
The girls gathered their
nerves and a few personal items from the car and started to walk off. They hadn’t
gotten far when a man’s voice from behind them that said, “You gals need a
little help?” Startled and scared, the pair turned to see a man standing inside
the cemetery gate. He was tall with a small straw hat, wearing brown pants with
suspenders over a dingy white shirt. He looked a bit out of sorts and neither
of the girls wanted to acknowledge that he was even there. The girls stood in
disbelief for a few seconds. Thinking to themselves: “Why in the world would
some old guy be hanging out in that ragged cemetery this late at night? He has
to be crazy!” Danielle responded to him and said, “No, we’re ok!” Erica reluctantly whispered to Danielle, “There’s
no one around here for miles. We could at least let him look at the car.”
Danielle replied, “Are you crazy? He may be some kind of lunatic!”
In a panicked state the girls
whispered back and forth on what to do when the man spoke again, this time he
said, “Young lady, I will have you know that I am a highly decorated military
man and upstanding citizen. You have no reason to be afraid of me!” The tone in
his voice had changed. He seemed a bit upset by the girl’s inability to comply
with his offer to help. Finally Erica convinced Danielle to at least
acknowledge the man. Erica walked toward the fence just out of reach and said “Hi,
I’m sorry we don’t mean to be rude, but we’re a little scared, see we almost
hit a deer just a little while ago and now our car won’t start. Can you tell us
where we might be able to find a telephone to call our parents?” The old man
replied, “A telephone? No, I’m afraid I don’t have a telephone.” Erica then
asked, “Do you by chance know anything about cars?” He responded, “No ma’am, I’m
sorry. I don’t know anything about cars.”
Erica was a bit put off at
this point since the old man had asked to help but didn’t seem to be much at
all. Danielle shouted, “Come on Erica let’s just go!” Erica looked back at her friend and then
turned to the old man and said, “Well, thank you for stopping to help us.” He
smiled politely and tipped his hat, then reached down and patted the dog at his
side. Erica had not noticed the dog there until that point, which was odd
because the animal was an enormous black hound. The old man said, “Your welcome
ma’am.” Then Erica and Danielle proceeded to walk down the highway until
finally, hours later, they reached Erica’s house. The girls explained to Erica’s
parents what had happened to the car and about the old man in the cemetery.
They phoned Danielle’s mom and she spent the night and agreed to go with Erica’s
parents in the morning to recover the car.
The next morning, on the way
to get Danielle’s car, Erica’s parents explained to them how dangerous it was
to walk on the road at night. The girls expressed their concerns about the old
man and the dog they had seen in the cemetery the night before. Erica’s father told
them that there was an old ghost story about a man who was buried in the
cemetery whose family was killed by Indians. He said that the man’s name was
Eli Stroud and that he was a great hunter. Erica was familiar with the story,
but at the time, didn’t think much of her father’s ghost stories, until she
made a conscious effort to tie the previous night’s events into the legend.
Danielle and Erica looked at each other with a sense of amazement, replaying
the events from the night before in their heads and in conversation for the
next 25 years.
To this day, neither Erica or
Danielle have forgotten that chilly November night. This is the first document
ever written about the occurrence. It leaves one to wonder if maybe old Eli
reached out to help those girls because no one was there for him when he needed
help. Or maybe he just enjoyed the conversation. His ghostly presence can still
be felt and seen out at the old Stroud cemetery. So when passing through the
Stroud Cross roads late at night, be sure to glance over at the old ragged
cemetery with the looming Magnolia and iron gate, you just may see the little
ghost girl, or perhaps the spectral hound, or maybe if you’re lucky, Old Eli
(This is an excerpt taken from Haunted Auburn and Opelika
and personal story based on an actual event. The historical resources for this story were based on, "The History of Opelika" by Francis Cherry)
The grave of Eli Stroud |